البصيرة: مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية 2024-10-28T03:20:43+00:00 AL-BASHIRAH: Journal of Islamic Studies Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify; direction: rtl; font-size: 16px;">البصيرة: مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية هي مجلة أكاديمية يصدرها مركز البحوث وخدمة المجتمع (P3M) المعهد العالي للدراسات الإسلامية واللغة العربية بماكسر (STIBA) في أبريل وأكتوبر من كل عام.&nbsp;البصيرة: مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية تحتوي على دراسات إسلامية في العقيدة, والقرآن, والحديث, والفقه وأصوله, والثقافة الإسلامية وغيرها في شكل نتائج البحوث والأفكار المفاهيمية ومراجعة الأدبيات/الدراسات السابقة والتجارب العملية.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/S51.jpg"></p> الحكم الشرعي في الدفع بعدم صلاحية الخاطب 2024-10-25T02:34:42+00:00 Sadeem Bintu Fahad al-Robei’ <p><em>The importance of this study lies in the impact of substantive defense on the conduct of lawsuits. Substantive defense highlights flaws in the plaintiff's case raised by the defendant, including the defense against an unsuitable marriage proposer in al-'Aḍl cases. Here, the defendant draws the judge's attention to the fact that the plaintiff is seeking marriage with an unfit man, a defense that can only be considered after being examined from legal and jurisprudential perspectives, which is where the importance of this research lies. The study aims to clarify the shariah and legal opinions on the defense against al-'Aḍl claims based on the unfitness of the proposer, addressing issues related to the ruling of al-'Aḍl, its impact on marriage guardianship, criteria for an unfit proposer, and the jurisprudential ruling on prohibiting marriage due to unfitness. The research adopts an inductive, analytical, and comparative approach. The study concludes, among other findings, that al-'Aḍl is prohibited based on consensus (Ijma), marriage guardianship is transferred to the judge if the nearest guardian is disqualified, and the argument to ban marriage based on potential exploitation is not valid. The study recommends further exploration of jurisprudential issues stemming from substantive defenses in all legal proceedings.</em></p> 2024-10-24T06:08:16+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sadeem وصف الحافظ ابن رجب الأحاديث في البخاري بأنها ليست على شرط مسلم مما فيه اختلاف في فتح الباري "دراسة نقدية عللية" 2024-10-25T02:22:34+00:00 Muhammad Isa Abdullah <p><em>This study examines the marfu' hadiths or those that are indicated as not being classified as authentic (sahih) by Imam Muslim. Al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab stated or suggested that these hadiths do not meet the conditions set by Muslim in his book Fath al-Bari due to differing views. The aim of this research is to identify the hadiths that Al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab stated or indicated as not meeting Muslim’s conditions in his Fath al-Bari, analyze the differences in opinions, and draw conclusions based on the rulings of muhaddithun (hadith scholars) regarding which view is more accurate (rajih). Additionally, the study seeks to highlight the reasons why Al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab classified these hadiths as not adhering to Muslim’s criteria. Using inductive, analytical, and critical approaches, the researcher discovered several key findings. Seven hadiths in Fath al-Bari by Ibn Rajab were identified as being reported by Imam al-Bukhari but not fulfilling Muslim's conditions. Of these, five were selected for further examination, and the reasons why these hadiths did not meet Muslim’s standards were sought from the statements of Al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab. The researcher found that for each of these hadiths, there were two or more points of contention, such as differences in determining whether the hadith is marfu' or not, disagreements over whether the hadith is mauquf or not, or discrepancies in the chain of transmission (sanad), the text (matan), the names of the companions mentioned, or other factors.</em></p> 2024-10-24T06:12:47+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Isa Abdullah مقاصد سور القرآن عند البقاعي (ت 885 هـ) دراسة نظرية تطبيقية 2024-10-25T02:22:39+00:00 Cica Maulina Beni <p><em>This research belongs to the field of Maqāṣid al-Suwar (Objectives of Qur'anic Chapters) and is titled: "The Objectives of Qur'anic Chapters According to al-Baqā’ī (d. 885 H): A Theoretical and Applicative Study." The aim is to collect the Maqāṣid al-Suwar from al-Baqā’ī’s two works, Musā'id al-Naẓr and Niẓām al-Durar, as well as from other scholars who have studied the objectives of the chapters. The research also examines how various interpreters (mufassirun) derive the Maqāṣid al-Suwar from the Qur'an and compares their methodologies. This study employs three approaches: inductive, analytical, and comparative. Among the key findings are: (1) Maqāṣid al-Suwar is a term later defined by al-Baqā’ī as a science that reveals the purposes of the Qur'anic chapters; (2) Maqāṣid al-Suwar is a discipline that deserves careful study, as it plays a vital role in Qur'anic interpretation and greatly facilitates the understanding of the Qur'an's meanings; (3) According to al-Baqā’ī, the Maqāṣid al-Suwar can be categorized into three types: matters of creed, law, and ethics; (4) The objectives of the chapters have a significant impact on other Islamic sciences, such as Tafsir (exegesis), by enhancing the understanding of Qur'anic interpretation, including munāsabāt (correlations between chapters), and legal reasoning (istinbāṭ), as this knowledge serves as a foundation for understanding the objectives of the Qur'anic chapters.</em></p> 2024-10-24T06:14:22+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cica Maulina Beni المسائل التي على خلاف القياس عند متأخري الحنابلة في كتاب الطهارة جمعاً ودراسة 2024-10-28T03:20:43+00:00 Saleh bin Mohammed bin Saleh Al-Dakhil <p><em>The objective of this research is to examine issues related to analogy (qiyas) that the Hanbalis disagreed with in the Book of Purification, to explain the origins of the qiyas in these disputed matters, and to analyze why the Hanbalis diverged from qiyas. It also explores the views of non-Hanbalis on these issues and aims to determine the strongest opinion among them. The study adopts an inductive approach by exploring sources relevant to the topic and a deductive comparative approach by presenting the views of jurists, their arguments, and responses, followed by determining the strongest opinion and its supporting evidence. The research concludes that the Hanbali school sometimes departs from its principles and rules due to other factors, such as textual evidence from the Prophet (PBUH) or reports from some companions.</em></p> 2024-10-24T06:15:47+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Shalih Ad dakhayyil المصلحة المرسلة (اعتبار حجيتها وارتباطها بكمال الشريعة الإسلامية) 2024-10-25T02:22:55+00:00 Muhammad Taufan Djafri Sayyid Tasdiq Anugrah <p><em>This research discusses the concept of al-Maslaḥah al-Mursalah and the jurists' views on its authenticity and limitations in its application. It also examines how the concept of al-Maslaḥah al-Mursalah serves as evidence of the perfection of Islamic law. The study aims to explore the concept of al-Maslaḥah al-Mursalah, its authenticity among jurists, its rules of application, and its connection to the completeness of Islamic law. The research is restricted to two main issues: first, the views of jurists on the authenticity of al-Maslaḥah al-Mursalah, and second, the rules governing its application and its relation to the perfection of Islamic law. The researcher adopts inductive, analytical, and historical approaches. The study concludes that jurists differ on the authenticity of al-Maslaḥah al-Mursalah, but in practice, they have applied it to various contemporary issues. Additionally, its application follows established rules by jurists, and it demonstrates the flexibility and validity of Islamic law in all times and places, reflecting the law's perfection.</em></p> 2024-10-24T06:16:54+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Taufan Djafri تدريب اللغة العربية لفهم معاني القراءات في الصلاة تحقيقا للخشوع في الصلاة لأهل المجمع السكني مانغالا بماكسر 2024-10-25T02:23:02+00:00 Ronny Mahmuddin <p><em>This research aims to teach Arabic to help the residents of Gubernuran Manggala Makassar understand the meanings of prayer recitations. The problem addressed is the residents' current level of understanding regarding prayer recitations and its solution through Arabic language training. This qualitative research uses interviews and participatory observation, beginning with an observation of the residents' conditions and an analysis using the SOAR framework, which led to the development of a work plan and activities. The training was conducted over two months, including a pre-test, the training itself, and a post-test. Before the training, most participants were unaware of the meanings of prayer recitations, while a small number had limited understanding. After the training, participants were able to understand the meanings of the prayer recitations. Post-test results showed that participants achieved satisfactory scores, ranging from 60 to 100. The participants also felt a significant improvement in their prayers. The study recommends that such training programs be continued in other locations, especially around Manggala, in collaboration with religious institutions and with government support.</em></p> 2024-10-24T06:17:45+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ronny Mahmuddin دراسة نقدية للتفسير العلمي في العصر الحديث 2024-10-25T02:23:07+00:00 Gampang Dadiyono Achmad Abubakar Muhammad Yusuf <p><em>The significance of this research lies in its focus on contemporary scientific exegesis, which addresses the stance of modern scholars on this method of interpretation, particularly those who oppose it. The research aims to clarify doubts, provide accurate information to those who are confused on the matter, and present a clear, comprehensive, and accessible explanation, enabling thinkers to reflect and adopt the most appropriate stance—one that leans toward what is beneficial for them and others, and that is pleasing to the Lord of all worlds. The researcher uses inductive, analytical, and critical approaches. Among the findings are: the method of scientific exegesis must be approached with caution, and its steps should be carefully considered. The moderate view on this method is that it is permissible, but only when conditions are met to ensure that the interpretation is valid and acceptable. It is neither absolutely rejected nor accepted without reservations. Scientific exegesis should avoid excessive claims, and the apparent meaning of the text should not be diverted to another meaning unless absolutely necessary—such as when the literal meaning is impossible to accept.</em></p> 2024-10-24T06:19:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gampang Dadiyono الكرامية: تاريخها، فِرقها، وعقائدها 2024-10-25T02:23:11+00:00 Jamshid bin Gholam bin Ali Rakhshani <p><em>The Karramiyyah is a sect that affiliates itself with Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah, affirming the attributes of Allah (SWT). They follow Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) in matters of jurisprudence (fiqh), but they hold deviations in their creed that contradict the beliefs of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah, including Imam Abu Hanifah and his senior students. The sect comprises various groups and branches, centered primarily around Khurasan. Though they are now extinct, their teachings continue to influence some groups and sects, such as the Musyabbihah, Jahmiyyah, and Murji'ah. This study explores the Karramiyyah sect, detailing its history, beliefs, and the sub-sects&nbsp;within&nbsp;it.</em></p> 2024-10-24T06:20:58+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 jamshid