AL-KHIYAR: Jurnal Bidang Muamalah dan Ekonomi Islam <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>AL-KHIYAR: Jurnal Bidang Muamalah dan Ekonomi Islam</strong> is a scientific journal in the field of mualamah and Islamic economics studies published twice a year (May and November) by the Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar, Indonesia. It is open for all academics, practitioners, intellectuals, and students with the specification of the study of mualamah and Islamic economics. Ideas covering research article, conceptual idea, review of the literature, and practical experience. The scope of <strong>AL-KHIYAR</strong><strong>: Jurnal Bidang Muamalah dan Ekonomi Islam</strong> are limited to Fiqh of Muamalah, Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking and Finance, Islamic Economic Management, Islamic Economics Law, Management of Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Waqf, Islamic Entrepreneurship And Business, Islamic Economics Thought, Islamic Insurance, Islamic Accounting, Halal Management, etc. The article will be published in Indonesian, English, and Arabic language.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/S51_(2).jpg"></a></p> Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar, Indonesia en-US AL-KHIYAR: Jurnal Bidang Muamalah dan Ekonomi Islam 2830-1455 Pelanggaran terhadap Akad Mudarabah dalam Perspektif Fikih Mu’amalah (Studi Analisis Kaidah al-Hukmu Yadūru Ma’a ‘Illatihi Wujūdan wa ‘Adaman) <p><em>This study aims to determine the violation of the mudarabah contract in terms of the rules of the proposal of al-hukmu yadūru ma'a 'illatihi wujūdan wa 'adaman). This research uses a type of qualitative descriptive research using normative approach methods and sociological approaches. The results of the study found that violations of the mudarabah contract occur if the contract is not in accordance with the pillars, terms, and conditions that must be in the mudarabah contract, 'Illat in the mudarabah contract includes the perpetrator, the object of the transaction (capital, profit), and the contract (shighat). If the 'illat in the mudarabah contract does not exist, then the contract is haram. The implications of this research are expected to be a reference, reading material that is easy to understand, and become a positive reference material and information to the government entrepreneurs, and society in general. </em></p> Saadal Jannah Andi Dahmayanti Windy Sulfiana Copyright (c) 2024 Saadal Jannah, Andi Dahmayanti, Windy Sulfiana 2024-11-16 2024-11-16 4 2 124 145 10.36701/al-khiyar.v4i2.1443 Praktik Developer Syariah Tanpa Kredit Perbankan Perspektif Fikih Muamalah (Studi Kasus di Perumahan Istiqomah Kabupaten Berau) <p><em>The research aims to analyse the law of sharia developer practices without bank credit in Istiqomah Housing in the perspective of fiqh muamalah. This research uses qualitative field research with a research approach using normative and sociological approaches. As for data collection through interviews and documentation, then the data is analysed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the research found that long-term credit begins with negotiations between the housing authority and consumers regarding the fees to be paid, as well as determining the time to install the house with a maximum time of 10 years. This agreement is written, signed and owned by both parties. Home financing in Istiqomah housing uses an istiṣnā‘ contract, where istiṣnā’ is a form of sale and purchase contract that involves ordering the manufacture of goods. The housing developer provides a credit payment system without going through a bank, and this credit sale and purchase is allowed in sharia. The ruling on the sale and purchase of housing is permissible because it fulfils the pillars and conditions of the sale and purchase contract and does not contradict the Islamic Shariah. The implications of the research are expected to be a good reference for developers, consumers, and the community to always apply home sale and purchase financing in accordance with Islamic law.</em></p> Andi Dahmayanti Munawara Munawara Risdayani Risdayani Rodhiyyah Nur Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Dahmayanti, Munawara Munawara, Risdayani Risdayani, Rodhiyyah Nur Pratiwi 2024-11-16 2024-11-16 4 2 146 162 Perkembangan dan Pemetaan Riset Wakaf Produktif: Analisis Bibliometrik <p><em>This study aims to map and analyze the development of research on productive waqf using bibliometric methods in reputable international publications. The research employs quantitative methods through bibliometric analysis on the Scopus database from 2004 to 2024. The results show a significant increase in publications on productive waqf in recent years. The most productive author/researcher in this area and the most frequently cited is A. Ascarya. In terms of publication media, the Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research has emerged as a popular platform. Topic mapping results reveal that the keyword "Indonesia" is a focal point in the study of productive waqf. Topics closely related to Indonesia, such as potential, productive waqf, cash waqf, empowerment, development, and company management, are important aspects in the management and empowerment of waqf in the country. Newer research areas, such as empirical evidence, financing models, cash waqf literacy, cash waqf, and Baitul Maal wat Tamwil, have likely been developing in recent years. In terms of density, topics like impact, empirical evidence, and financing models appear to be less explored and may present promising research areas for the future.</em></p> Azwar Azwar Khaerul Aqbar Copyright (c) 2024 Azwar Azwar, Khaerul Aqbar 2024-11-16 2024-11-16 4 2 163 184 Sistem Jual Beli Benih Ikan Berdasarkan Prediksi Jumlah dan Berat dalam Tinjauan Fikih Muamalat (Studi Kasus Usaha Nahla Nila Sempange, Desa Pakkanna Kabupaten Wajo) <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami hukum terkait sistem penjualan benih ikan berdasarkan prediksi jumlah dan berat pada usaha Nahla Nila. Permasalahan yang penulis angkat dalam penelitian ini yaitu: <em>pertama, </em>bagaimana sistem penjualan benih ikan berdasarkan prediksi jumlah dan berat pada usaha Nahla Nila; <em>kedua, </em>bagaimana tinjauan fikih muamalat tentang sistem penjualan benih ikan berdasarkan prediksi jumlah dan berat pada usaha Nahla Nila. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penulisan (<em>field research</em>) dengan fokus pada data kualitatif. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi langsung di lapangan, wawancara dengan berbagai pihak terkait, serta analisis data dari dokumen-dokumen tertulis sebagai sumber informasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: <em>pertama, </em>sistem jual beli benih Ikan berdasarkan prediksi jumlah dan ukuran pada Usaha Nahla Nila yaitu penjualan benih ikan menggunakan takaran gram 1 ekor benih ikan nila sebagai sampel untuk dikalkulasikan dengan jumlah benih ikan yang akan dibeli. <em>Kedua, </em>tinjauan fikih muamalat penjualan benih ikan berdasarkan prediksi jumlah dan berat pada usaha Nahla Nila hukumnya sah dan mubah (dibolehkan), karena telah memenuhi rukun dan syarat jual beli. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan sistem jual beli dan tinjauan fikih muamalat penjualan benih ikan nila berdasarkan prediksi jumlah dan berat pada usaha Nahla Nila. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan pengetahuan dan khazanah keislaman secara pribadi maupun secara umum kepada seluruh kalangan masyarakat terkhusus bagi pelaku usaha ikan nila terkait sistem jual beli dan tinjauan fikih muamalat penjualan benih Ikan berdasarkan prediksi jumlah dan ukuran.</p> M. Kasim Awal Rifai Muhammad Akib Copyright (c) 2024 M. Kasim, Awal Rifai, Muhammad Akib 2024-11-16 2024-11-16 4 2 185 199 10.36701/al-khiyar.v4i2.1816 Optimalisasi Prinsip Lā Ḍarar wa Lā Ḍirār dalam Akad Mudarabah: Studi Kasus Praktik Bisnis Mizuta di Makassar <p><em>The practice of mudarabah is often a topic of debate, particularly when mudarabah financing involves capital contributions from the mudarib. Therefore, it is necessary to find solutions to the issues within the mudarabah contract by applying fiqh principles. This study aims to understand the concept of the mudarabah contract in Islam and its relation to the principle of lā ḍarar wa lā ḍirār. The research questions addressed are: first, how does the concept of the mudarabah contract in Islam relate to the principle of lā ḍarar wa lā ḍirār? Second, how is the principle of lā ḍarar wa lā ḍirār implemented in mudarabah partnerships in Mizuta Makassar?. This research employs a qualitative method with normative and sociological approaches, and it is conducted as field research. The findings reveal: firstly, in the mudarabah contract, the ṣāḥibu al-Māl, as the capital owner, entrusts all their assets to the mudarib, who manages these assets under the condition that the profit is shared according to the initial agreement. In practice, there is often injustice between the parties involved, which necessitates the application of the principle of lā ḍarar wa lā ḍirār to prevent harm. Secondly, in Mizuta Makassar, the principle of lā ḍarar wa lā ḍirār is implemented through the establishment of a clear contract from the outset, transparency in reporting, and regular evaluation meetings. To date, this approach has successfully prevented disputes within the partnership. The implications of this study are expected to serve as a reference for other researchers in similar studies and to further develop research in this field.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Sri Reski Wahyuni Nur Saadal Jannah Nabilah Al Azizah Shaimah Azzahar Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Reski Wahyuni Nur, Saadal Jannah, Nabilah Al Azizah, Shaimah Azzahar 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 4 2 200 220 10.36701/al-khiyar.v4i2.1818 Analisis Penerapan BPJS Kesehatan Ditinjau Dari Prespektif Ekonomi Islam <p>Studi ini menganalisis implementasi BPJS Kesehatan, program asuransi kesehatan nasional Indonesia, dari perspektif ekonomi Islam. BPJS Kesehatan berperan penting dalam memberikan perlindungan kesehatan bagi masyarakat Indonesia melalui model <em>cross-subsidization</em>, di mana yang kaya mensubsidi yang membutuhkan. Dari sudut pandang Islam, BPJS Kesehatan sejalan dengan prinsip <em>ta'awun</em> (bantuan timbal balik), keadilan, dan keadilan sosial, yang merupakan dasar dalam ekonomi Islam. Namun, tantangan seperti ketidakpuasan terhadap kualitas layanan, defisit keuangan, dan kepuasan publik terhadap layanan BPJS Kesehatan menyoroti area yang perlu perbaikan. Melalui analisis kualitatif, studi ini mengevaluasi mekanisme BPJS Kesehatan dan mengusulkan penyesuaian untuk lebih selaras dengan prinsip Syariah. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk berkontribusi pada pengembangan sistem asuransi kesehatan yang sesuai dengan standar yang berkelanjutan dan etis seperti yang diamanatkan oleh ekonomi Islam.</p> Zhella Annisa Muhammad Akmal Chesta Adabi Rohmah Sabiq Raisa Syabani Copyright (c) 2024 Zhella Annisa, Muhammad Akmal Chesta Adabi, Rohmah Sabiq, Raisa Syabani 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 4 2 221 236 10.36701/al-khiyar.v4i2.1789 Perlindungan KUH-Perdata dalam Pemutusan Sepihak pada Kontrak Kerja Tinjauan Fikih Muamalah <p><em>The legal protection of the Civil Code and muamalah jurisprudence is needed to answer and provide a solution to problems related to unilateral termination of employment relations by a company or limited liability company or individual that occurs in society. This research aims to analyze the protection provided by the Civil Code (KUH-Perdata) in the context of unilateral termination of employment contracts with a review of the principles of muamalah fiqh. The research results show: First, the Civil Code provides protection for workers affected by unilateral termination of employment contracts through various provisions that regulate workers' normative rights, including the right to income, benefits and protection against discrimination. Second, muamalah fiqh has several principles that are relevant in assessing the validity and justice of unilateral termination of an employment contract, such as justice, agreement, fair compensation, freedom of contract and must be carried out taking into account sharia principles, such as fairness, honesty and equality. Therefore, the parties involved in an employment contract must understand and respect each other's rights. Third, regarding the provisions of the Civil Code which regulate unilateral termination of employment contracts, it can be concluded that most of the principles of muamalah fiqh are reflected in Indonesian civil law. However, there is still room for increasing protection for workers in unilateral termination in accordance with the values ​​of muamalah fiqh.</em></p> Iskandar Iskandar M. Dzulfaldi S. Srydewi Awaliani Syaputri Copyright (c) 2024 Iskandar Iskandar, M. Dzulfaldi S., Srydewi Awaliani Syaputri 2024-11-26 2024-11-26 4 2 237 254 10.36701/al-khiyar.v4i2.1841 Sanksi Denda Uang bagi Pelanggar Peraturan dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam: Studi Kasus Penerapan Peraturan Asrama Putri Ma'had Al Ishlah Maros Tahun 2019-2020 <p><em>The application of monetary penalties as a disciplinary measure in Islamic law has sparked diverse scholarly debates, particularly regarding its validity and conditions for implementation. This study examines the regulations and enforcement of monetary penalties at the female dormitory of Ma’had Al-Ishlah Maros during 2019–2020, aiming to analyze their alignment with Islamic jurisprudence. The primary research questions address (1) the rules and practices surrounding monetary penalties in the dormitory and (2) the Islamic legal perspective on their implementation. This research employs a qualitative field study (Field Research) with a case study approach. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, and documentation, analyzed through normative theological and sociological perspectives. The findings reveal that monetary penalties were applied in three administrative domains: language, cleanliness, and memorization (tahfīẓ), based on a verbal consensus between the dormitory administrators and students. In Islamic jurisprudence, the discourse on monetary penalties is divided: some scholars permit it under judicial authority for public welfare, while others, upheld by the majority (jumhūr), categorically prohibit it, citing the principle of safeguarding Muslim property and avoiding unjust enrichment. Fatwa from Lajnah Daimah supports the prohibition of monetary penalties imposed without legitimate religious authority, even when agreed upon consensually. This study contributes to the discourse on disciplinary measures in Islamic educational settings by exploring the tension between contemporary practices and classical jurisprudence. It highlights the need for further refinement of disciplinary frameworks in Islamic boarding schools to ensure compliance with Shariah principles and foster ethical governance.</em></p> Riska Riska Farida Aprianti Muqnitah Muqnitah Awal Rifai Copyright (c) 2024 Riska Riska, Farida Aprianti, Muqnitah Muqnitah, Awal Rifai 2024-11-26 2024-11-26 4 2 255 270 10.36701/al-khiyar.v4i2.1827