AL-KHIYAR: Jurnal Bidang Muamalah dan Ekonomi Islam is a scientific journal in the field of mualamah and Islamic economics studies published twice a year (May and November) by the Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar, Indonesia.
It is open for all academics, practitioners, intellectuals, and students with the specification of the study of mualamah and Islamic economics. Ideas covering research article, conceptual idea, review of the literature, and practical experience. The scope of AL-KHIYAR: Jurnal Bidang Muamalah dan Ekonomi Islam are limited to Fiqh of Muamalah, Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking and Finance, Islamic Economic Management, Islamic Economics Law, Management of Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Waqf, Islamic Entrepreneurship and Business, Islamic Economics Thought, Islamic Insurance, Islamic Accounting, Halal Management, etc. The article will be published in Indonesian, English, and Arabic language.
Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of AL-KHIYAR: Jurnal Bidang Muamalah dan Ekonomi Islam should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will be rejected by the editors before further reviewed. The editors will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format.
AL-KHIYAR: Jurnal Bidang Muamalah dan Ekonomi Islam also has a CrossRef Member. Therefore, all articles published by AL-KHIYAR: Jurnal Bidang Muamalah dan Ekonomi Islam will have unique DOI number.
Journal title | : AL-KHIYAR: Jurnal Bidang Muamalah dan Ekonomi Islam |
Initials | : AL-KHIYAR |
Frequency | : 2 issues per year (May and November) |
DOI | : Prefiks 10.36701 by ![]() |
ISSN Online | : 2830-1455 |
Editor-in-chief | : Azwar Iskandar |
Managing Editor | : Awal Rifai Wahab |
Publisher | : P3M, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar |
Citation Analysis | : Google Scholar |
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