جهود المختصرات التفسيرية في تقرير قواعد الربوبية: تفسير الجلالين أنموذجا
The Role of Tafsir Mukhtasar Scholars in Interpreting Rububiyyah Rules: A Study of the Book of Tafsir al-Jalālain
At the basic level in various fields of science, it generally describes the completion of the building stages of these sciences and reaching the stage of maturity. At this stage, the desired fruit of these sciences can be grasped, and this stage also provides the foundations for the scientific tools needed to achieve scientific mastery. There is no doubt that the first thing researchers want to explain is the science of faith, because it is an urgent need for Muslims. Therefore, researchers are trying to achieve this noble goal by asking for help from Allah SWT. And the first source of Muslim faith is the Koran. Specifically, the study used the book of Tafsir al-Jalālain because of its popularity among Muslims, which was written to make it easier to read the Koran. This research will clearly explore the signs for establishing the rules of Rububiyyah monotheism in the book Tafsīr al-Jalālain. There is no doubt that attention to faith is not limited to tafsir books, which have extensive and detailed discussions, but concise tafsir books compete in discussing this aspect of the rububiyyah. Through this research, it is also confirmed that paying attention to the rububiyyah aspect is an important stage for the basic foundations in general, both with the preaching community and the ijabah community. What encourages researchers to pay attention to this important aspect of the faith is serving the Islamic faith and providing enlightenment to Muslims.
ired fruits from these sciences, and also gives the one who adheres to the principles of those fields of knowledge the means necessary to achieve knowledge mastery.
There is no doubt that the first thing to be concerned about before reaching the pinnacle is field of Islamic creed, due to the general Muslim population's need for it. Therefore, this researcher has strived diligently to achieve this honourable goal, seeking help in realizing this goal firstly from Allah, and after that from the first and most honourable source for understanding creedal matters among Muslims, which is the Holy Qurān, all while employing the most famous brief exegesis of the Qurān, which is: Tafsīr al-Jalālayn.
And resorting to the interpretation of al-Jalālayn in particular is due to its fame among Muslims, in addition to the nature of the modern era, in which access to information is abundant and specializations are diversified, which caused these concise exegeses to be sought after by non-specialists - who are the majority of Muslims – especially considering it was originally written to facilitate easier contemplation of the Qurān.
Anyone who contemplates the course of this research will clearly notice the clear indications of al-Jalālayn’s interpretation of the consolidation of the rules of Divinity, beyond doubt that: doctrinal care is not limited to lengthy exegeses of the Qurān, in fact various concise exegeses of the Qurān also adds a lot in this aspect. It has also been confirmed through this study that care for the aspect of Divinity is an important stage for establishing doctrinal faith in general, whether it is for those who have been called to Islam or those who have embraced it; in a way that sharpens the enthusiasm to take care of this important doctrinal aspect, rooted and deepened, in service of the Islamic doctrine and insight for Muslims

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