Aktualisasi Kaidah al-Ḍararu Yuzāl pada Pemakaman Jenazah Covid-19 Menggunakan Peti
Actualization of the al-Ḍararu Yuzāl Rule on the Community of Covid-19 Using the Crate
The research in this thesis aims to find out and understand the concept of al-ḍararu Yuzāl's rule and its actualization at the funeral of the COVID-19 corpse using a coffin. The type of research conducted is descriptive qualitative research (non-statistical), which focuses on the study of manuscripts and texts, using a normative juridical approach. The problems raised in this study are the concept of the principle of al-ḍararu yuzāl and the concept of burial of corpses infected with the COVID-19 virus using a coffin. The results showed that the rule of al-ḍararu yuzāl is one of the al-qawā'id al-khamsah (five basic rules). Where the meaning of this rule is that all forms of harm are unlawful in Islamic law, a person is not justified in causing damage or causing harm to himself and others, both to his life, property, and honor, and it is obligatory to prevent any harm that will occur and eliminate harm after it occurs. This rule is very important because it is in line with Islamic law, namely upholding human benefit, preventing harm, realizing goodness and anticipating harm. The burial of COVID-19 bodies using a crate is one of the efforts to prevent transmission of the virus from the body of the deceased to the officers who buried the body. So it is permissible to use a crate, for the common good. The implications of this study are that the rule of al-ḍararu yuzāl can be used as one of the principles and reinforcing arguments to understand the community that Islamic law highly upholds human benefit and all forms of convenience that God provides so that humans understand the breadth of mercy and compassion. be a reminder to always keep yourself from all harm.
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