Penanaman Nilai-nilai Islam pada Anak-anak Usia Dini Melalui Kegiatan Pengajaran Al-Qur'an di Desa Wakorambu
Implementing Islamic Values for the Early Children Through Al-Qur'an Learning Activities in Wakorambu Village
The purpose of the STIBA Makassar Real Work Lecture (KKN) Batch V is as a form of community service which is a pillar of the Tri Darma of higher education, especially the development of the Al-Qur'an Learning group in Wakorambu village as the main program. The PkM implementation method begins with a field survey and then formulates community needs using the SOAR analysis method, after the analysis was carried out, it was found that a very urgent need was found, namely the development of the TPA group in Wakorambu village. The development of the Wakorambu Village Al-Qur'an Learning was carried out well in accordance with the expected goals.
Burhan Nudin, “Penanaman Nilai Nilai Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Melalui Metode Montessori di Safa Islamic Preschool”. MILLAH: Jurnal Studi Agama Islam 16.1 (2016): 45-55. (diakses 24 Mei 2022)
Khaerul Aqbar, and Askar Patahuddin. "Program Qur’anic Teenagers Untuk Menumbuhkan Minat Belajar Al-Qur’an Bagi Anak Dan Remaja Di Desa Wakanimboro, Buton Selatan." WAHATUL MUJTAMA': Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2.1 (2021): 116-124.
Rahmayani L dan Dewi Indriani, “Program Pembinaan Al-Qur’an Menuju Generasi Qur’ani di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang”, WAHATUL MUJTAMA’: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2, no 2 (2021): 136-145.
Ridho Ulya and Miftah Ulya. Pengadaan Ruang Baca Tpa Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Baca Anak Dalam Mempelajari Al – Qur’an. ABDI KE UNGU: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Ungu 3.1 (2021): 5-8
Tempo, Rachmat Bin Badani, and Khaerul Aqbar. "Ikhtiar Mahasiswa KKN STIBA
Makassar dalam Pembentukan Akhlak Qur'ani Masyarakat Desa Balassuka Kabupaten
Gowa." WAHATUL MUJTAMA': Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 1.1 (2020): 90-115

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