أساليب القرآن للفراهي والموازنة بينه وبين البرهان في علوم القرآن للزركشي

A Comparative Study Between Asālib al-Qurān by ‘Abd al-Ḥamīd al-Farahī and al-Burhān fī ‘Ulūm al-Qurān by al-Zarkashī

  • Mohd Farid Ravi Abdullah Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS), Malaysia
  • Abur Hamdi Usman Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS), Malaysia
Keywords: Stylistic, Comparative, Coherence, al-Farāhī, al-Zarkashī


This study focused on the techniques of the Qur’an, which is particularly selected  due  to  the  vital  importance  of  making  use  of  the  linguistic techniques  and  employing  them  in studying  the linguistic  techniques of the  Qur’an  which  have  convinced  the  majority  of  people  to  accept  the principles of this religion, Islam, through their distinctive features which call attention to their research. Besides, there is a lack of studies which investigated   and   explained   the   formation   and   structures   of   the techniques  of  the  Qur’an,  the  techniques  we  are  in  dire  need  of  to address others. It is noticed that the previous Qur’anic studies have been more concerned with focusing many topics related to the sciences of the Qur'an but no study has examined the linguistic structures of the Qur’an. Much  research  has  studied  the  techniques  of  the  Qur’an;  for  instances some researchers investigated this topic independently such as al-Farahīin his book Asālib al-Qurān while others, like al-Zarkashī, just discussed it  in  part  of  his  book,  al-Burhān  Fī‘Ulūm  al-Qurān.  Therefore,  the present  study  investigates  the  approaches  used  by  al-Zarkshahīand  al-Farahīin studying the techniques of the Qur’an in their books related to the sciences of the Qur’an. To achieve the objectives of this study, the books  related  to  the  topic  are  collected  and  examined.  Moreover,  the approaches employed by al-Zarkashīand al-Farahīare analyzed and then the  useful  techniques  which  could  be  utilized  for  understanding  the Qur’an are also identified. The findings of the study reveal that al-Farahīlinks  the  techniques of the Qur’an with the coherence of the Qur’an, which  represents  the objective unity  of  the  whole Qur’an.  It  is  also shown  that  al-Farahībelieves  that  those  who  do  not  understand  the techniques  of  the  Qur’an  have  missed  the  understanding  of  and  thereflection on the Qur’an. However, it is revealed that al-Zarkashīmakes the  linguistic  techniques  independent  from  the  objective  unity  of  the Qur’an.


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Author Biography

Abur Hamdi Usman, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS), Malaysia

Dr. Abur Hamdi Usman, received his graduate and doctoral degrees from the Theology and Philosophy Department, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Currently he is Assistant Professor of Dakwah and Usuluddin, Faculty of Islamic Civilization Studies at the Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS), Malaysia. He has published numerous books and refereed articles on Theology, Quranic exegesis, and Hadith. His areas of interest include the Sciences of Quran and Hadith Studies. Dr. Abur has conducted field research in Malaysia in the Anti-Hadith Movement and Paedophilia, with grants from the University. He has lectured on contemporary issues in various parts of the world and has traveled extensively in South East countries. Dr. Abur is also the a former Head of Hadith and Research Unit in Hadith and Aqidah Research Institute (INHAD), Malaysia.


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How to Cite
Abdullah , M. F. R., & Usman, A. H. (2020). أساليب القرآن للفراهي والموازنة بينه وبين البرهان في علوم القرآن للزركشي. NUKHBATUL ’ULUM: Jurnal Bidang Kajian Islam, 6(2), 258-272. https://doi.org/10.36701/nukhbah.v6i2.157