Implementasi Kaidah al-Ḍarūrāt Tubīḥu al-Maḥzūrāt pada Tindakan Persalinan Operasi Caesar
The Implementation of the Rule of al-Ḍarūrāt Tubīḥu al-Maḥzūrāt in a Caesarean Delivery
The major objective of this research was to investigate and understand the ‘Implementation of the Islamic law of al-Ḍarūrāt Tubīḥu al-Maḥzūrāt in a Caesarean delivery’. The methodological approach taken in this study was a qualitative method by using a grounded research. In terms of the research approach, normative (Fiqh) approach was employed by the researcher. The results of this research indicated that based on medical and Islamic perspective, the practice of caesarean section on a delivery could be done only in an emergnecy situation. In this case, the medical staff should understand the condition of their patients whether or not they could be treated with a caesarean section. Similarly, in terms of the Islamic perspective, the level of an emergeny condition has to be decided by doctors or the medical staff. The caesarean section could only be taken if the surgery is necessary for delivery patients.
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