Faktor-faktor Kebolehan al-Mubtada berupa Isim Nakirah dalam Kajian Ilmu Nahwu

  • Ronny Mahmuddin Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: Ilmu Nahwu, al-Mubtada ,al-Khabar, Isim Makrifah, Isim Nakirah


One of the subjects in the study of Nahwu Knowledge is al-Mubtada. AlMubtada is one of the important elements in a sentence. One cause of imperfect sentence is due to unfamiliarity with al-Mubtada’ and the absence of al-Mubtada’. Beginner students in studying Nahwu only understand that al-Mubtada has to be in a form of Ism Ma’rifah and not in a form of Ism Nakirah. However, if it is further analyzed, al-Mubtada in a form of Ism Nakirah can be found. Therefore, the author of this paper attempted to explain about “Conditions on al-Mubtada in a form of Ism Nakirah in the study of Nahwu knowledge”. Before explaining further on this subject, the author previously mentioned definitions of al-Mubtada, kinds of al-Mubtada, and the grammar of al-Mubtada. Therefore, the readers may achieve comprehensive understanding of al-Mubtada in the study of Nahwu Knowledge. This paper is analyzed by applying literature method.


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How to Cite
Mahmuddin, R. (2018). Faktor-faktor Kebolehan al-Mubtada berupa Isim Nakirah dalam Kajian Ilmu Nahwu. NUKHBATUL ’ULUM: Jurnal Bidang Kajian Islam, 4(1), 97-104. https://doi.org/10.36701/nukhbah.v4i1.37

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