Hak dan Batas Masa Ḥaḍānah Anak Pasca Perceraian Menurut Mazhab Syāfi’ī dan Hanbali
Rights and Restrictions of Participation of Children Post Divorce According to the Shāfi'i and Hanbali School
This study aims to determine the rights and limitations of parenting after parental divorce in the view of the Syafi' and Hanbali schools. Qualitative descriptive method (non-statistical) is a type of library research, focused on the study of manuscripts and texts, and uses a normative juridical approach. The results of this study indicate that both schools agree that the right to care for children aged 0-7 years is the right of the mother, both male and female. The difference of opinion between the two schools lies in boys aged 7 years, the Shafi'i school argues that children who are able to choose are given the opportunity to choose between their parents, while the Hanbali school argues that children aged 7 years -old children can have custody. from his parents. both parents, if they do not agree then the child is asked to make a choice. Meanwhile, girls who are 7 years old until they reach puberty must be raised by their father according to the Hanbali school, in contrast to the Shafi'i school which still gives the same choices as boys.
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