Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Pemakaian, Jual-Beli, dan Penunaian Zakat Emas Putih
The View of Islamic Law on the Use, Buying-Selling, and Zakat Payment of White Gold
This study aims to determine the view of Islamic law on the use, buying-selling, and zakat payment of white gold. This study uses library research methods with juridical-normative and philosophical approaches. The results of the study indicate that the law regarding white gold can be determined after knowing the content in the white gold. If it is clear that white gold is a mixture of yellow gold, then the laws that apply to yellow gold also apply to white gold. In using it, white gold in the sense of a mixture of gold with other materials does not change the law of wearing it (especially for men) because the change in the mixture of gold does not change the nature of gold itself so that it remains forbidden for men. While white gold that is not gold, such as titanium, silver, and other materials, is allowed to use it because the original element does not contain gold at all. In buying-selling it, both yellow gold and white gold, in general the law is permissible (permissible) as usual buying and selling. However, more attention needs to be paid to the transaction to avoid usury because gold, both yellow and white, is one of usury goods. While in the zakat payment of it, the strongest opinion is the existence of zakat on white gold because it is considered as jewelry.
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