Arah Kiblat dalam Salat: Menyikapi Perbedaan Antara Mazhab Hanafi dan Syafi’i
Qibla Direction in Prayer: Responding to the Differences Between Hanafi and Shafi’i School
The purpose of this study is to find out the solutions that can be taken by Muslims regarding the differences of opinion between the Hanafi School and the Syafii School about the direction of Qibla which more or less has an impact on Muslims, especially in Indonesia. In this study, to get answers to the problems above, the author uses analytical descriptive research or istinbāṭ al-aḥkām which focuses on the study of manuscripts and texts, using historical approaches, and normative juridical. The results of this study indicate that: Muslims who will carry out the construction of mosques need to adjust the position of the Kaaba appropriately by maximizing existing technology, so that there are no disputes in the future. However, if the mosque has been built, and then it is alleged that it deviated slightly from 'ain al-ka'bah, then there is no need to cancel the ijtihad with a new ijtihad by tilting the rows, because the prayers that are performed towards the Ka'bah are still valid, even though they are not in the right direction. ain al-ka'bah, while tearing down the mosque or tilting the saf, will only create new problems and be very burdensome for the people. For people who pray alone, it is highly recommended to face the Qiblah by aiming correctly at 'ain al-ka'bah as much as possible without making it difficult for themselves.
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